UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 7 Communication System

By | May 22, 2022

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 7 Communication System

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 7 Communication System

Communication System Objective Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
S. T. D. stands for:
(a) Subscribers Trunk Dialing
(b) Subscribers Telephone Dialing
(c) Subscribers Trunk Dialer
(d) None of these
(a) Subscribers Trunk Dialing

Question 2.
A mobile telephone system was inaugurated in the year:
(a) 1987
(b) 1985
(c) 1989
(d) 1991
(b) 1985

Question 3.
The popular code available in the market are :
(a) X. Y. Z. Code
(b) A. B. C. Code
(c) Bentley Code
(d) A. B. C Code and Bentley Code
(d) A. B. C Code and Bentley Code

Question 4.
When the telegraphic message is sent through the telephone, this method of sending a message is called:
(a) Hologram
(b) Phonogram
(c) Telegram
(d) None of these
(b) Phonogram

Question 5.
A key word is used to send telegrams.
(a) Cypher
(b) Code
(c) Travellers
(d) None of these
(a) Cypher

Communication System Definite Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
Name of telegram which are sent by one person to another within the limits of the country.
Inland Telegram.

Question 2.
State the full form of I. S. D.
International Subscriber Dialing.

Question 3.
What kind of telegram is sent only by government offices and only for official work.
State Telegram.

Question 4.
Which letters are sent by sea route?
Foreign Letters.

Question 5.
When was speed post service started in India? (UP 2019)

Question 6.
Name the most commonly used accounting software in India. (UP 2019)

Communication System Very Short Answer Type Questions (2 Marks)

Question 1.
What do you understand by travellers telegram?
Telegram can also be delivered to a person travelling by train. The sender has to write the name of the person, name of the train and number of the bogie and the name of the station at which the train will halt. When the train reaches that station the message is delivered to that person.

Question 2.
Name the various kinds of telegrams.

  1. Inland Telegram
  2. Foreign Telegram.

Question 3.
What do you mean by phonogram? (UP 2015)
There is a facility provided by the post and telegraph department to send the messages through telephone. This method of sending a message is called ‘Phonogram’. This arrangement of the phonogram is made in the town having telephone. The telephone subscriber can convey the message of telegram to the telegraph office. The department sends the message to the addressee by telegram and the charge is added to the telephone bill of the subscriber.

Question 4.
Give two differences between code and cypher telegram.
Difference between code and cypher telegram.

Code Telegram Cypher Telegram
1. Will the help of code (book) any person can find out the message. Thus the message does not remain secret. 1. Only the persons who know the keyword can find out the message. Thus the message remains secret.
2. The message cannot be communicated without the help of code. 2. Cypher telegrams are sent with the help of code as well as a keyword.

Question 5.
What are the two main advantages of the telegram?
Advantages of telegrams are as follows:

  1. If the message is long, then telephone charges would be much more than expenses incurred on telegram.
  2. Telegram is also sent when the message is important and prompt action is required.

Question 6.
Write the names of any two means of quick communication.

  1. Telephone
  2. Internet.

Communication System Short Answer Type Questions (4 Marks)

Question 1.
What do you understand by cypher telegram? What are its advantages? (UP 2016)
Cypher Telegrams: When the sender wants to keep the message completely secret then cypher telegrams are sent. Such telegrams can be written in digits or letters but usually cypher telegrams are written digits.
Advantages of cypher telegram are as follows:
Only the persons who know the key word can find out the message. Thus the message remains secret.

Question 2.
Write a note on the utility of telephone.
The telephone is the most important means of quick communication. It is also popular because the caller and the receiver both are direct contacts directly with the different parts of the world. Its use is increasing day by day and for this reason, it has become indispensable for a businessman these days. In present times, every business house, industry, insurance companies etc. must essentially have a telephone. The professionals like doctor, lawyer, chartered accountant etc. cannot function properly without a telephone connection. Without a telephone connection, the working of the business organisations and people in profession will be affected adversely. From the point of view of communication, the telephone has an important place and having a telephone also an indication of reputation and status in society.

Communication System Long Answer Type Questions (8 Marks)

Question 1.
Write notes on S.T.D. and I.S.D. (UP 2008, 10)
Subscribers Trunk Dialling (S.T.D.): Under this facility, the person can make trunk calls without the help of a telephone exchange. Now most of the towns have this facility. Suppose a person intends to talk to his friend in Lucknow then he will have to dial the code of the town first and then the number. Each town has a separate code which has STD facility. It is of great importance for the business community as they can make calls at their convenience. In trunk calls the charges are for a minimum period of 3 minutes whereas in STD you have to pay only for the duration of the call which can be less or more than 3 minutes.

International Subscribers Dialling (I.S.D.): These days the telephone service is so advanced that a person can talk to a person sitting in some other country by telephone without the help of the operator. This facility of direct dialling is known as International Subscribers Dialling. Different codes are allotted to every country which are connected by this facility. The subscriber has to dial the international code first i.e., 00 then the country code followed by the area code and at last the overseas telephone number. It is quicker because you have not to book the call and wait till it is matured. There is no limit for duration of the call. A person can talk as long as he wishes and is charged for only the time he talked. It is easier in the sense that the subscriber can call at his convenience whether it is day or night and there is no language problem either.

Question 2.
Write short notes on: (UP 2015)

  1. Teleprinter
  2. FAX System
  3. Internal Telephone Exchange
  4. Radio Paging.

1. Teleprinter: Teleprinter is used by major newspapers for collecting news relating to other countries as well as news relating to the native country. A printer is attached to this machine which prints the news on the paper as they are communicated to the office.

2. FAX System: FAX service provides automatic communication through printed words between subscribers in cities and towns provided with Electronic Telephone Exchanges. FAX .subscribers establish their own connections.

3. Internal Telephone Exchange: In big business organizations and offices there are many departments like purchases, sales, accounts, administration etc. Every department has its own officer and each officer has a different telephone connection so that they can talk to each other on telephone which saves the time of going and coming from one department to another. Under this system, an Internal Telephone Exchange is established within the premises. An operator is appointed who helps in connecting the calls.

4. Radio Paging: This is a one-way communication system. Messages are transmitted to subscribers by means of aerial signals in the form of tone or vibrations through pocket-size receiver called pager. It was introduced in Delhi in 1985. It is now available in all over the country.

Question 3.
Describe the uses of computers in a business office. (UP 2011)
Computer is the most important part in a business office.
Following are uses of computers in a business office:

  1. Help in planning: By the help of computer we can collect data which is very helpful in planning.
  2. Help in Finance: Most companies world wide are rapidly switching to a computerised accounting system. Long time consuming calculations and other mathematics-intensive problems can now be solved at the press of a button.
  3. Help in Management: The personal computer has revolutionised manage- ment functions. Computer reduces paper-work, speeds up communication and improves the quality of work.
  4. Help in Accounting: Accounting work in a business office becomes early with the help of a computer. A computer has made accounting easier with the help of many softwares.
  5. Others:
    • It saves time and money.
    • It seams to have become the backbone of all activities.
    • The computer helps to prepare different reports.
    • It helps to take decisions earlier.

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