UP Board Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 5 Little Birdie

By | May 25, 2022

UP Board Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 5 Little Birdie

UP Board Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 5 Little Birdie

Little Birdie

TRANSLATION OF THE LESSON (पाठ का हिन्दी अनुवाद)

What does ………………………… files away.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- छोटा पक्षी क्या कहता है,
दिन की शुरुआत में अपने घोसले से,
छोटा पक्षी कहता है, मुझे उड़ने दो,
माँ, मुझे उड़ने दो।
छोटे बच्चे (पक्षी), थोड़ा और आराम करो,
जब तक छोटे पंख मज़बूत न हो जाएँ,
इसलिए उसने थोड़ा और लम्बा आराम किया,
तब वह उड़ गई।

What does little…………………………………. fly away.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- छोटी बच्ची क्या कहती है। दिन की शुरूआत में अपने बिस्तर से, बच्ची कहती है, छोटे पक्षी की तरह, मुझे भी उठने और उड़ने दो। बच्ची सो जाओ, और थोड़ी देर, जब तक छोटे हाथ पैर मज़बूत न हो जाएँ, अगर वह थोड़ा और लंबी देर तक सोती है, बच्ची भी उड़ जाएगी।

EXERCISE (अभ्यास)

Comprehension Questions

Question 1.
Answer the following questions:
Question a.
What does the little birdie say to her mother?
The little birdie asks her mother to let her fly away.

Question b.
What does mother tell the little birdie to do?
Mother tells the little birdie to rest a little longer.

Question c.
Why does little birdie rest for some time?
The little birdie rests for some time so that the little wings become stronger to fly.

Question d.
What does mother ask the little baby to do?
The mother asks the little baby to sleep a little longer in her bed.

Question e.
What will happen if the little baby sleeps a little longer?
The limbs of the baby will get stronger if she sleeps a little longer.

Word Power

Question 1.
Give the rhyming words for each of the following word:
fly – rapy
nest – rest
rise – wise
peep – deep
longer – stronger

Question 2.
Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’ to know some new words and their expressions:
UP Board Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 5 Little Birdie 1


Note: Do it yourself.

We hope the UP Board Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 5 Little Birdie help you.

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