UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 17 Letter Writing/Application Writing
UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 17 Letter Writing/Application Writing
Kinds of Letters
मुख्यतया पत्र तीन प्रकार के होते हैं
(a) Personal or Private Letters : ये व्यक्तिगत पत्र भाई, बहन, मित्रों व सगे सम्बन्धियों को लिखे जाते हैं। इनमें निमन्त्रण पत्र भी आते हैं।
(b) Business Letters : ये पत्र दुकानदार, कम्पनियों या समाचार-पत्रों के पास लिखे जाते हैं।
(c) Official Letters : ये पत्र अधिकारियों के पास लिखे जाते हैं। नौकरियों के लिये लिखी गयी applications इन्हीं पत्रों में आती हैं।
Question 1.
I. Parts of Letter
प्रत्येक पत्र में 6 भाग होते हैं
(1) Heading
(2) Salutation
(3) Body
(4) Subscription
(5) Signature
(6) Address
1. The Heading (प्रेषक का पता और तारीख आदि) इसके दो भाग होते हैं
(a) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता और
(b) पत्र लिखने की तारीख
2. The Salutation or Greeting (अभिवादन) Salutation बायें किनारे से बिना Indenting के ऊपर से थोड़ा space छोड़ कर लिखा जाता है। Salutation भिन्नभिन्न पत्रों में भिन्न-भिन्न होता है, जैसे
I. Personal Letters में
(a) To relatives (सम्बन्धियों को)–My Dear Father, Dear Father, My Dear Mother, Dear Mother, Dear Uncle, Dear Aunt, etc.
(b) To Friends (मित्रों को)–My Dear Hemu, Dear Hemu, etc. (Dear Friend Hemu, Dear friend कभी न लिखें)
(c) To Acquaintances (परिचितों को)-Dear Mr. Agnihotri, Dear Miss Seema, Dear Mrs. Rai, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, etc. लिखें।
(d) To Strangers (अपरिचितों को)–Sir, Madam, etc.
(e) To School Teachers, Headmasters, Principals etc. इनके लिये Sir का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
II. Business Letters में
Business letters में यदि किसी व्यक्ति जैसे General Manager/Technical Manager आदि व्यक्ति को सम्बोधृित कर के लिखना है तो Dear Sir लिखेंगे। यदि फर्म को लिखना है तो Dear Sirs या Dear Gentlemen लिखा जाता है।
III. Official Letters में
Official letters में प्रायः हम sir या madam लिखते है। respected sir या honoured sir आजकल नही लिख जाता है किन्तु farewell address में लिख जाता है। नहीं लिखा जाता है, किन्तु Farewell address में लिखा जाता है।
3. The Body of the Letter (संदेश)
वास्तव में पत्र का प्राण है। यह बायीं ओर Salutation के दो space नीचे से शुरू होता है। पत्र का भाव सरल और स्पष्ट होना चाहिए। विषय और भाव के अनुसार पत्र को उचित paragraphs में बांटना चाहिए। ये paragraphs आपस में सम्बन्धित भी होने चाहिए। थोड़े से शब्दों में और सरल भाषा में अपना मन्तव्य प्रकट करना चाहिए। विराम चिन्हों और grammar के नियमों का ध्यान रखिए। पत्र का आरम्भ रुचिकर होना चाहिए जैसे
(i) I am glad to learn from you…………..
(ii) I am shocked to learn……..
(iii) I am in receipt of your letter
(iv) …….. It gives me pleasure to inform you.
(v) I got your letter yesterday ……………………..
(vi) It is long since I have heard from you …….
पत्र का अंत personal letters में विनम्र आकांक्षा पर समाप्त होना चाहिए। Official letters में यह कार्य पूर्ण होने की आशा और धन्यवाद के साथ समाप्त किया जाता है जैसे
With best wishes
Your loving son/brother etc.
With kind regards Please convey my best respect to……
Hoping to hear/meet soon
Bye now. Write soon.
Looking forward to….
Hoping to receive a favourable reply
Thanking you…… etc.
Assuring you of our co-operation……
4. Subscription (अन्त)।
Subscription सदैव Salutation के अनुसार होता है। यह पत्र के बायीं ओर एक space नीचे लिखा जाता है, जैसे
(a) To close relatives -Yours affectionately, Your affectionate son/daughter/nephew/cousin/ niece/brother/sister/your loving son, etc.
(b) To friends and Acquaintances-Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours.
(c) To strangers, officials and firms-Your truly, Yours faithfully, Truly yours, Sincerely yours.
(d) To teacher/headmaster/principal-Yours obediently, Yours faithfully प्रायः विद्यार्थी Yours के ऊपर Apostrophe (‘) लगा देते हैं। यह कदापि नहीं लगाना चाहिये। Yours’ faithfully अशुद्ध हैं। Truly में ‘e’ नहीं आता।
(e) Application Sir, Madam Frei Tarot closing में Yours obediently या Yours faithfully आता है। Salutation यदि Sir है तो Yours faithfully या Yours obediently लिखना चाहिए , Yours truly नहीं
5. The Signature (हस्ताक्षर)
यह subscription के नीचे होता है और इसके बाद भी कोई Punctuation Mark नहीं लगाया जाता। Personal letters में पूरे हस्ताक्षर नहीं होते। या तो नाम का पहला हिस्सा लिखा जाता है या वह नाम लिखा जाता है जिस नाम से आप अपने सगे सम्बन्धियों में जाने जाते हैं, जैसे Vinay या Veenu Shailender या Sheelu Vinay Kumar Agarwal या Shailender Kumar Mishra कदापि न लिखें। परन्तु Business/official letters में हस्ताक्षर पूरे होते हैं तथा हस्ताक्षर के बाद लिखने वाले का नाम या पद लिखा जाता है, जैसे Sunil Kumar Arora Manager
6. Address (पता)
यह तीन या चार लाइनों में लिखा जाता है। यह लिफाफे के ऊपर आधे भाग से नीचे दायीं ओर जाता है। ऊपर का आधा भाग टिकट लगाने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाता है। पते की लाइनें लिफाफे के दायें कोने के समीप समाप्त होती है। प्रथम पंक्ति में जिसको पत्र भेजा जा रहा है, उसका नाम लिखा जाता है। दूसरी पंक्ति में गली या मोहल्ले का नाम और तीसरी पंक्ति में गाँव या शहर को नाम Block Letter में लिखा जाता है। District या State का नाम Brackets में लिखा जाता है। PIN CODE यदि याद है तो गाँव या शहर के नाम के साथ dash के बाद लिखा जाता है। जैसे
उदाहरण: Mr. K.R. Gupta, Mr. R.K. Srivastava,
115, Railway Station Road, 15, Civil Lines,
Dehradun. Delhi
Application for Leave
Question 1.
Write an application to the Principal of your college informing him about your illness
and requesting him to grant you leave of absence for three days. Or Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him to grant you leavefor five days as you have to look after your mother, who is suffering from fever.
The principal ,
Arya Puttri Inter College,
Most respectfully, I beg to say that I have been suffering from fever since last night. So I am unable to attend the college I, therefore, request you to grant me leave of absence from 12th Oct., 20…. to 14th Oct., 20…
I shall be highly obliged to your act of kindness.
Dated : 12th October, 20….
Yours obediently, Km.
Reeta Rani
Class X-A
Question 2.
Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him to grant you leave for six days as you have to look after your mother who is ill and your father has gone out of station. Or Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to grant you leavefor five days as you have to look after your mother, who is suffering from fever.
The Principal,
Bareilly Inter College,
Most respectfully, I beg to say that my mother has been suffering from fever for two days. My Father has gone out of station. There is nobody in the house to look after her. I, therefore, request you to grant me six days leave of absence from 16th Sep., 20…. to 21st Sep., ….
I shall be highly obliged to your act of kindness.
Dated : 16th September, 20….
Yours obediently,
Ram Avtar Khanna
Class X-B
Application for Transfer Certificate
Question 3.
Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to issue your transfer-certificate as your father has been transferred to Badaun.
To .
The Principal,
S.V. Inter College,
Most respectfully, I beg to say that my father who has been working here as junior engineer since June, 20…., has been transferred to Badaun District. I, therefore, request you to issue my transfer certificate at an early date, so that I may join another college in Badaun.
I shall be highly obliged to your act of kindness.
Dated : 8th July, 20….
Yours obediently,
Class X-A
Question 4.
Write an application to the Principal, requesting him to grant you full concession in fee. Or Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him for concession in fee.
The Principal,
D.A.V. Inter College,
Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am a student of class X-D. My father is a poor shopkeeper. So he is unable to pay the fee. Last year, I enjoyed free-ship. I got good marks in class IX-D. I, therefore, request you to grant me full fee concession.
I shall feel highly obliged to you.
Dated : 12th August, 20….
Yours obediently,
Harish Chandra
image 1
Question 5.
Write an application to the Principal requesting him to make a regular arrangement for evening games.
The Principal
Islamia Inter College
Dated : 7th July, 20….
Subject : Requesting for the arrangement of evening games. Most respectfully, I beg to say that most of the students of IX-B are eager to play football and hockey. There is no arrangement in the college. I, therefore, request your good self to make arrangement for regular evening games for practice.
I shall be highly obliged.
Yours obediently,
Mukesh Rana
Question 6.
Write an application to the Deputy Superintendent of Police to allow you to use loudspeaker on the occasion of marriage of your sister.
The Deputy Superintendent of Police,
Dated : March 18th, 20….
Şubject : Request for use of Loudspeaker Permit. Most respectfully, I beg to say that the marriage ceremony of my younger sister Beena will be performed on Nov. 24th, 20… So I need to use loudspeaker for the function. I, therefore, request you to grant permission for use of loudspeaker from 4 P.M. to 10 P.M. on Nov. 24th, 20….
I shall be highly obliged…..
Yours faithfully,
Satya Prakash Gupta
Question 7.
Application for the post of steno-clerk. Or Write an application to the Manager, Everest Handloom Company, Noida for the post of Accountant. It is in response to the advertisement in the Hindustan Times of 20th of June.
The Manager,
Gupta and Co.
New Delhi.
In reference to your advertisement for the post of a steno-clerk lying vacant under your kind control, in “Dainik Jagran”, I want to offer my candidature for the same. As regards my qualifications, I am a Second Class Commerce Graduate of year 20…., from Rohalkhand University with Advanced Accountancy. I can do English typewriting at the speed of 35 words per minute and know shorthand as well. At present, I have been working as a stenoclerk in a local firm since July, 20……. I am a young man of twenty three years, with good physique, optimistic view and good moral character. Copies of three certificates are attached herewith: Looking forward for your kind favour.
Yours faithfully,
Dated : 25th December, 20……
Enclosures : 3
Address :
S/o Shri XYZ 23,
Subhash Road,
Bareilly-1, U.P.
ABC S/o Shri XYZ
23, Subhash Road
Bareilly-1, U.P. Dated : 28th December, 20…..
The Manager,
Gupta and Co.
New Delhi.
Sub. : Application for the Post of Steno-Clerk.
Dear Sir,
Please, take the reference to your advertisement in “Dainik Jagran” dated 27th Dec., 20…… for the post of a steno-clerk. I want to offer my services for the same. My short bio-data is here under
Name : ABC
Father’s Name : XYZ
Age : 23 yrs.
Qualification : B. Com. II, 20….. from M.J.P. Rohalkhand University.
Typing Speed : 35 words per minute, know shorthand.
Languages Known : Can write and speak English and Hindi fluently.
Characteristics : Young, good looking, optimistic-hard-working having a good moral
character and winning manner.
Experience : Have been working in a local firm as a steno-clerk since July, 20……
Enclosures :3
Looking forward for a favourable reply.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Question 8.
Write an application to the District Magistrate for an action against the undesirable persons causing public nuisance in your locality.
We, the residents of Mohalla Madinath, Nirankar Dev Marg, respectfully want to state that some undesirable persons have recently come to stay in a nearby lodge. Sometimes, they sing vulgar songs and pass indecent remarks or comments on the girls. They stand on the Pan Khokas and talk loudly. Sometimes, they are found drunk also. They fight with us, too, when objected. We, therefore, request your honour to do something for checking their activities to maintain 1aw and order in the locality. A quick action is required.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Mohalla, Madinath Nirankar Marg,
Bareilly City.
Question 9.
Write an application to the D.S.O. to issue a permit for 75 kg. sugar for the marriage of your sister. Or Write an application to the District Supply Officer of your district requesting him to grant you a permit for ten litres of kerosene oil which will help you in your study as there is frequent powercut in your area.
Most respectfully, it is stated that I need 75 kg. of sugar for the marriage of my sister to be performed on May 12th, 20……. I, therefore, request you to issue me a permit for 75 kg. sugar and oblige.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Dated : May I st, 20…..
Address ……………..
Question 10.
Write a letter to the Engineer of the Electricity Department requesting him to arrange for proper lighting in your locality.
11, Bahadurshah Marg
Dated : February 2nd, 20……
THE ENGINEER Electricity Department,
Municipal Corporation,
Sub : Request for proper lighting in the locality.
May I have the honour to bring the following facts to your kind notice for necessary action
(1) In our locality, there is no proper lighting arrangement.
(2) The people here are deprived of the facility of electric light.
(3) Street light is generally off.
I, therefore, request your goodself to look into the matter personally and take necessary action.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
1. Write an application to the Principal of your college, requesting him to arrange extra coaching for you in Mathematics as you are weak in the subject.
2. Write an application to the librarian of your college, informing him that you have lost the book issued to you last weak.
3. Write an application to your Principal, requesting him to allow a change in the subject offered by you.
4. Write an application to the District Magistrate of your district, requesting him to take action against some undesirable persons who are disturbing the public peace in your locality.
5. Write an application to the District Medical Officer of Health of your district, telling him of the outbreak of Cholera in your locality and requesting him for immediate steps to control the epidemic.
6. Write an application to the Principal, D.A.V. Inter College, Kanpur to allow the cricket team of his college to play a friendly cricket match against your school team.
7. Write an application to your Games’ Superintendent requesting him to issue you two cricket balls.
Question 1.
Write a letter to your younger brother, advising him to work hard at his studies so that he may get a first class.
210, Civil Lines :
Bareilly, 243001
Dated : June 22nd, 20….
Dear Sunny,
I hope this finds you in the best of your spirits. Yesterday I got a letter from Mahesh. He says that you are sure of your success. I am very happy to know this. But you should not be idle. As it is rightly said “Industry is rewarded and idleness punished.” Overconfidence sometimes leads to failure. I know that you are a bright and intelligent student. But you are not diligent. So I advise you to work hard as the examinations are near. Revise your course again and again. Do hard work for the first divison. Nothing less than the first class will satisfy me. Wishing your success and good luck.
Yours loving,
Question 2.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about frequent breakdown of water supply in your locality.
The Editor,
Indian Express
New Delhi
Will you very kindly give a little place to my letter in your popular paper? I want to draw your attention towards the difficulties which the public has to face due to frequent breakdown of water supply in our locality “Friend’s Colony”. We are in a difficult situation. In my opinion, the frequent breakdown of water supply is due to inefficient working of the water supply department. Will you very kindly publish my letter in your paper, so that the higher authorities may come to know of it and those who are responsible for it.
Yours loving,
Rakesh Ranjan
Dated : March 12th, 20….
Address : Rakesh Ranjan Verma 210,
Friends’ Colony Subhash Nagar,
Question 3.
Write a letter to your father, asking him to send you four hundred rupees for books.
J-8, Sarojini Nagar
Delhi, 100004,
Dated : June 10th, 20….
Respected Father,
Thanks for your kind letter that I received today. I am glad to know that you are quite well now. We, too, are happy here. Rani misses you very much. She becomes very sad in your absence. Mummy is also not well. She has been suffering from fever for a week. But there is no cause to worry. She is under the treatment of Dr. Keshav Agarwal. The doctor says that she will be well within two or three days. Papa, I have gone short of money. Our college has opened. We have to deposit our college fees. Rani has been admitted in a new school. I have to buy some books. I, therefore, request you to send me four hundred rupees as soon as possible.
With regards.
Yours obediently,
Question 4.
Write a letter to your sister, telling her about your visit to a historical place.
33-Rajendra Nagar
Dated : May 17th, 20….
Dear Sister Reeta,
You will be glad to know that yesterday, I came back from Agra. I went there with my friends. Our History teacher Mrs. Usha Gupta was also with us. We reached Agra in late night. We passed the night in a hotel. Next day, we went to see the Taj. We found it very grand and beautiful. We liked it very much. Our teacher told us that Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world, was built by Shahjahan, a Mughal emperor, in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, after her death. As it is built of white marble. Shahjahan used to call it ‘a dream in white marble’. Luckily we saw it in the moon light too. It looked silver white. Its beauty cannot be described in words. Of course, it is beyond description. The rest is O.K. There is nothing more to write. With love to Kartik.
Yours loving brother,
Question 5.
Write a letter to your friend, proposing him a trip to a hill station.
Bara Bazaar
Dated : April 15th, 20….
Dear Raju,
You will be pleased to know that my examinations are over today. I have done my papers well. Now it is time for us to enjoy and recover our health. I hope you have not made any arrangement as yet for these holidays. So I propose a trip to Musoori. Will it not be a good change? If you agree, I may arrange for it and you should reach here on April 28th, 20….. Bring your camera with you, if possible.
Yours sincerely,
नोट-अनौपचारिक पत्र नीचे लिखे प्रारूप के अनुसार भी लिखे जा सकते हैं।
Question 6.
Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on his success in the High School Examination.
28, Cantt. Road
Dated : June 30th, 20….
Dear Mohan,
Please, accept my heartiest congratulations on our success in the examination. I am very happy to know that you got first division in High School Examination. Really, you have fulfilled the expectation of your parents by getting first division. I hope, you will maintain the same division in Intermediate Examination also. My good wishes are always with you. I am sure, you will earn a good name there. With regards to elders and best wishes to youngers.
Yours sincerely,
Ramesh Kumar
Question 7.
Write a letter to your mother, telling her that winter has set in and that you need a new coat.
205, Civil Lines,
Dated : October 10th, 20….
Dear Mummy,
Thanks for your kind letter that I received yesterday. I am working hard, there is no cause to worry. Winter has set in. So I need a new coat. The old one will not do this year. I, therefore, request you to persuade respected Papa to arrange a new one this year. I am coming to see you. I hope to be there on 10th Nov., as our college will be celebrating the founder’s week. With a lot of regards.
Yours obedient son,
Question 8.
Write a letter to your younger brother who has started smoking cigarettes, advising him to give up this bad habit.
Dated : March 22nd, 20….
Dear Varun,
I hope, it finds you in the best of your health and spirit. We are fine here. I have come to know that you have started smoking cigarette. This has shocked me very much. Our father is retired. He is very old, weak and sick. You are his youngest son. You have been the apple of his eyes and so you should not make him worried. Cigarettes are injurious to health. Good and obedient boys do not smoke. Smoking is a bad habit. So I advise you to give up this bad habit. Wishing you all the best.
Yours loving sister,
Question 9.
Write a letter to your friend, requesting him to attend the marriage party of your brother.
Or Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your marriage ceremony which is going to be held during the month of June.
9-Stanley Road
Allahabad (U.P.)
Dated : January 2nd, 20….
My dearest friend Raghav,
I am very glad to inform you that the marriage of my younger brother Tarun has been settled. The marriage party will leave for Kanpur on 12th of January at 8 a.m. I hope you will not disappoint me. Your presence in the marriage is a must. Your arrival is anxiously awaited.
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Ranjan
Question 10.
Write a letter to your friend, requesting him to come and spend the summer vacation with you.
20th Mall Road,
Dated : May 10th, 20….
Dear Sachin
I hope it finds you best in your spirits. Thanks for your kind letter. I am glad to know that you performed well in the annual examination and secured a good percentage of marks. Your summer vacations will begin on 20th May, 2005. I hope you will come here and enjoy the summer vacations with me. I am sure, you will enjoy your stay here. The weather is charming. There is no dust, wind, smoke or heat like any other city. Here you will find nature in her brightest colour. Kempte Falls will definitely fascinate you. Please do come. Please convey my warm regards to uncle and aunt and love to dear Bunty. With a lot of love to you.
Yours sincerely,
Rajesh Kumar
Letter of Condolence
Question 11.
Write a letter to a friend who has recently lost his mother.
Dated : April 25th, 20…
Dear Friend Rajan,
It was very sad to know about your mother’s death. I had no idea that she was so ill. The sad news of her death, therefore, came as an unexpected shock to me. So I offer my condolence to you. May the departed soul rest in peace! My heart felt sympathy in the grief and it is always with you. Believe me, these words are the expression of genuine sorrow. May God give you strength to bear this blow!
Yours in deepest sympathy,
Ram Kumar
1. Write a letter to your father, explaining why you could not get good marks in Hindi.
2. Write a letter to the Post-Master, Bareilly, requesting him to let you know about the money-order, you sent to your friend about a month ago.
3. Write a letter to a bookseller, cancelling your order due to delay in executing your order.
4. Write a letter to your customer who has placed an order for some books, informing him that the books are not in stock.
5. Write a letter to your friend, telling him about your school. Give reasons for your liking or disliking it.
6. Write a letter to your younger brother, advising him to work hard at his studies so that he may get a first class.
7. Write a letter to your uncle, telling him about the discomforts of a railway journey in the second class.
8. Write a letter to your mother, telling her about your health or class-work.
9. Write a letter to the Education Minister of your state, requesting him to improve the educational facilities for girls in your area.
10. Write a letter to the Health Officer of your city, requesting him to arrange for cleanliness in your locality.
11. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your city, requesting him to improve the law and order situation in your area.
12. Write a letter to the Chairman of your Municipal Board, requesting him to arrange for the cleanliness of your locality.
13. Write a letter to the Inspector Incharge, Kotwali to depute some constables to arrest the ‘goondas’ and other anti-social elements that are disturbing the peace of your locality.
14. Write a letter to your friend about a zoo, you have recently seen.
15. Write a letter to the Chairman of your Municipality, containing the following requests
(a) The improvement of water supply in your ward.
(b) Permission to use a public park for a football match in aid of a charitable purpose.
1. Write a letter to the Engineer of the Electricity Department, requesting him to arrange for proper lighting in your locality.
2. You wish to go to Maharashtra on a tour. Write a letter of enquiry to a travel agent for details.
3. You wish to study a short English Speaking Course. Write to a school of languages and enquire about the course.
4. You wish to submit an article for a magazine. Write to the publishers and enquire about the same.